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middle distance [ground] 【繪畫】(前景和背景間的)中景;中距離...

middle dress

The apoc 2006 consists of four competitions , the long distance , the middle distance , the sprint and a team relay event . also we will stage a trail orienteering competition for a different taste of orienteering skill test . we also plan to apply for the competition as an iof world ranking events such that elite orienteers are able to have a new venue for scoring their ranking result in asia 舉辦這次apoc 2006比賽,包括長途、中距離,短途及接力等四個比賽,一連串的定向比賽,提供不同的口味之馀,亦可測試各位賽員的定向技能,我們亦計劃申請這次賽事,成為iof世界排名賽,使各位定向精英,在亞洲比賽的成績,能夠計算在世界排名之內。

3 - d laser scanning technique is a way that uses laser pulse to scan the object to get the superficial characteristic information of the entity . it applies to the close quarters or middle distance scene of the objects in the real world . 3 - d laser scanner has its outstanding performance in this field 三維激光掃描技術是其中一種利用激光脈沖對物體表面進行掃描從而獲取其表面特征信息的技術,它適用于中近距離的寬場景、大物體的快速高精度掃描,為建立場景的三維模型提供了必要而且準確的工具。

Kilometres behind stood the new international airport , lights ablaze like a north sea oil rig , stainless - steel ribs and glass flanks reaching upwards , length extending into the middle distance , its gleaming hallways all but devoid of people 數公里外座落著新國際機場,燈火通明好似北海上的石油鉆井平臺,不銹鋼骨架和玻璃側翼直伸上天,流光溢彩的大廳中人頭攢動。

The atmosphere beneath is languorous , and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue , while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine 下面的大氣是寧靜的,染上了一層淺藍,甚至連被藝術家稱作中景的部分,也染上了那種顏色,但是遠方的地平線染上的卻是濃重的深藍。

The product is powered by diesel engine , suited for the transporting of bulk cargo in short and middle distance on constructing site , mining , and farms 該產品以柴油為燃料適用于建筑、筑路、礦山、水利和其它工農業部門作近距離運輸。尤其適用于裝運混凝土、沙石、土方、谷物、肥料等散裝物料。

The african athletes used to running in such conditions began the emergence of the mighty middle distance running tradition which went through many subsequent olympic games 習慣在這樣的環境中奔跑的非洲運動員中距離跑傳統的強大實力嶄露頭角,并在以后的多次奧運會中保持領先。

The event requires both speed and endurance . i personally consider him as a sprinter . other people consider him as a middle distance runner 這個項目既需要速度又需要耐力,我個人認為他是短跑運動員,而有人認為他是中距離跑運動員

In the middle distance ahead of her she could see the summits of bulbarrow and of nettlecombe tout , and they seemed friendly 在她前面不遠的地方,她看得見野牛墳和蕁麻山的山頂,它們似乎對她是友好的。

You set a milestone for chinese swimmers in the middle distance swimming to be ranked the world top level 你的成績表明了中國游泳在中長距游泳比賽中已達到世界最高水平。

A study on the characteristics of training load control of elite athletes of long and middle distance running 世界優秀中長跑運動員訓練負荷控制特征的研究

Do you consider a four hundred metre runner as a sprinter or as a middle distance runner 你認為400米跑運動員是短跑運動員還是中距離跑運動員

For a middle distance runner , a combination of strength , endurance and speed is required 中距離跑運動員需要把力量,耐力,速度很好地結合起來

How many hours a day do your middle distance runners train 你們的中距離跑運動員一天訓練幾小時